Terms of Use

 Terms of Use

Article 1 [Purpose

The purpose of these Terms of Use is to regulate all matters related to the terms of use and operation of the services of “Micro Display” (hereinafter referred to as “Site”).

Article 2 Definition of Terms

The definitions of major terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.

① Member: refers to a user who agrees to the terms and conditions of the site, registers as a member by providing personal information, enters into a service agreement with the site, and uses the site.
② Use Agreement: Refers to a contract concluded between the site and the member in relation to the use of the site.
③ Member ID (hereinafter “ID”): A unique combination of letters and numbers assigned to each member for identification and use of services.
④ Password: This refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by the member to confirm that the member matches the ID given to the member and to protect the member’s rights and interests.
⑤ Operator: Refers to the operator who opens and operates a homepage on the service.
⑥ Termination: This refers to a member canceling the service agreement.

Article 3 Terms and Conditions and Other Rules

If necessary, the operator may separately announce the operating policy. If these terms and conditions overlap with the operating policy, the operating policy will take precedence.

Article 4 Conclusion of service agreement

① The service agreement is established by the consent of the person who registers as a member and wishes to use the site to the contents of these terms and conditions and the operator’s approval of the application for membership.
② Those who wish to register as members and use the service must read these terms and conditions when applying for membership on the site and indicate their agreement to these terms and conditions by selecting “I agree” below.

Article 5 Application for service use

① Users who wish to register as members and use the site must provide all information requested by the site (user ID, password, nickname, etc.).
② Members who do not register their true information, such as by stealing other people’s information or registering false information, cannot claim any rights in relation to the use of the site and may be punished according to relevant laws and regulations.

Article 6 Personal information processing policy

The site and its operator do not have a password among the personal information provided when registering as a member, and related portions follow the site’s personal information processing policy.
The operator strives to protect members’ personal information, including member registration information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The protection of members’ personal information is governed by relevant laws and the personal information processing policy established by the site.

However, the operator is not responsible for any information exposed due to reasons attributable to the member.
If a member registers and distributes illegal posts, such as posts that are disruptive to public morals or violate national security, the operator may view the member’s data and submit the data to the relevant institution upon request from the relevant institution.

Article 7 Operator’s Obligations

① If the operator deems that opinions or complaints raised by users are justified, he/she must process them as quickly as possible. However, if it is difficult to process quickly due to personal circumstances, we will do our best to post a notice or send a note or e-mail to the user.
② In order to continuously and stably provide the site, the operator may request the site to repair or restore the facility without delay in the event of equipment failure or loss. However, in the event of a natural disaster or unavoidable reasons for the site or operator, site operation may be temporarily suspended.

Article 8 Member Obligations

① Members must comply with the matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, all regulations established by the operator, notices, and operating policies, as well as matters announced by the site and relevant laws and regulations, and shall not engage in any other acts that interfere with the work of the site or damage the reputation of the site. You must not do this.
② Members may not transfer or gift the right to use the service or any other status under the service agreement to another person without the explicit consent of the site, and may not provide these as collateral.
③ Customers must pay considerable attention to managing their ID and password, and cannot provide their ID to a third party for use without the consent of the operator or site.
④ Members must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of the operator, the site, and third parties.

Article 9 Service usage time

① Service usage hours are, in principle, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there are special business or technical problems. However, the site may temporarily suspend services on days or times set by the site for regular system inspection, expansion, and replacement, and any temporary suspension of services due to scheduled work will be announced in advance on the site’s homepage, so please refer to this at any time.
② However, the site may temporarily or permanently suspend the service without prior notice or notice in the following cases.
– In case of urgent system inspection, expansion, replacement, breakdown or malfunction
– In case of force majeure such as national emergency, power outage, natural disaster, etc.
– When the telecommunication service provider specified in the Telecommunications Business Act suspends telecommunication services
– When normal service use is disrupted due to excessive use of the service, etc.
③ In case of service interruption pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the site will notify members in advance through notices, etc. However, if prior notice is not possible for service interruption due to reasons beyond the control of the site, post-notice will be provided instead.

Article 10 Termination of service use

① If a member wishes to terminate the service agreement with the site, the member must apply for registration cancellation online. Meanwhile, termination of use of the site must be done separately from termination of use of the site.
② Upon application for cancellation, the site-related programs provided by the site are automatically deleted from the member management screen, so the operator can no longer view the information of the applicant for cancellation.

Article 11 Restrictions on service use

Members must not engage in any of the following acts. If such acts are committed, the site may restrict the member’s use of the service, take legal action, terminate the service agreement, or suspend the service for a set period of time.
① Registering false information when registering as a member or changing information after registration
② Interfering with others’ use of the site or stealing information
③ Impersonating a site administrator, employee, or official
④ Actions that infringe upon the moral rights or intellectual property rights of the site or other third parties or interfere with business operations.
⑤ Illegal use of another member’s ID
⑥ Collecting, storing, and disclosing personal information about other members without their consent.
⑦ An act that is objectively judged to be linked to a crime
⑧ Acts that violate other relevant laws and regulations

Article 12 Management of posts

① The operator is responsible for the management and operation of the site’s postings and materials. The operator must always monitor for defective posts and materials, and when defective posts and materials are discovered or reported, the administrator must delete the posts and materials and issue a warning to the member who registered them.
Meanwhile, since the poster is responsible for the posts posted by users, members must not post posts that violate these Terms of Use.
② If there is a request for correction from a public institution such as the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, the operator may delete or move the posting without prior consent of the member.
③ The criteria for judging defective posts are as follows.
– If the content is severely insulting or defamatory to other members or third parties.
– When disseminating or linking to content that violates public order and morals
– If the content promotes illegal copying or hacking
– If the advertisement is for profit
– If the content is objectively recognized as being linked to a crime
– In case of infringement of copyright or other rights of other users or third parties
– If it is judged to be in violation of other relevant laws and regulations
④ If the site and operator receive a request from a third party to suspend posting for reasons such as defamation or infringement of intellectual property rights, the site and operator may temporarily suspend posting (suspend transmission), and a lawsuit may be filed between the requesting suspension and the registrant of the posting. If an agreement or other equivalent decision by a related organization is reached and received on the site, it will be followed.

Article 13 Storage of posts

If the site operator discontinues this site due to unavoidable circumstances, we will notify members in advance and strive to take all measures to facilitate the transfer of posts.

Article 14 Copyright on postings

① The copyright of posts posted by members on the site belongs to the member who posted them. Additionally, the site cannot use posts commercially without the publisher’s consent. However, this does not apply if it is for non-profit purposes, and you also have the right to publish it within the service.
② Members may not use materials posted on the service commercially, including arbitrarily processing or selling information acquired using the service.
③ If the operator determines that the content or postings on the site posted or registered by a member fall under any of the provisions of Article 12, the operator may delete, move, or refuse registration without prior notice.

Article 15 Compensation for damages

① All civil and criminal liability arising from this site lies primarily with the member.
② If damage suffered by a member from this site is caused by force majeure such as a natural disaster or due to the member’s intention or negligence, no compensation will be provided.

Article 16 Indemnification

① The operator is exempt from liability for any damage incurred due to the member’s failure to obtain the expected benefits from the site’s service provision or the member’s choice or use of service materials.
② The operator is exempt from liability in the event of a failure of this site’s service base or telecommunication services provided by other telecommunications companies, and damages incurred in connection with this site’s service base shall be subject to the site’s terms of use.
③ The operator is not responsible for any material stored, posted or transmitted by members.
④ The operator is not responsible if an interruption in the use of the service occurs due to reasons attributable to the member.
⑤ The operator is not responsible for any activities (including data transmission and other community activities) between members, between members and third parties, or between members within or outside of this service.
⑥ The operator is not responsible for the authenticity, reliability, accuracy, etc. of materials posted or transmitted by members and any materials that members may receive through this site.
⑦ The operator is not responsible for any damages arising from trade in goods between members or between members and a third party through the service.
⑧ The operator is not responsible for any disputes that arise between members or between members and third parties without reasons attributable to the operator.
⑨ The operator shall not be responsible for system failures that may occur without intentional or serious negligence during the management, inspection, repair, and replacement of facilities such as servers or during the operation of software, system failures due to attacks by third parties, and well-known domestic and foreign companies. We are not responsible for damage to members caused by the spread of computer viruses for which research institutes or security-related companies have not developed countermeasures, or other force majeure reasons beyond the control of the operator.

Supplementary provisions

These terms and conditions are effective from <site opening date>.

Why Microdisplay?

Microdisplay will stabilize mass production supply so that customers can produce their products in a timely manner, so that products can be released in a timely manner and ensure smooth sales.